I catch grief from the MCRRC “Stride Clinic” where I only now learn
I have been expected to attend as a running expert and coach/advisor

From:        Glenn Geelhoed
To:          "LavrichC@usa.redcross.org".IA4GW.Harper
Date:        6/20/01 3:39PM
Subject:     Re: FW: Stride Clinic May 12 Session Photos

OK, I am here‑‑catch me if and while you can!

I have just returned from the Big Horn Ultra in Wyoming (full report to come over on the next email) so I have the opportunity to sample the way to be  moving around the way some people must do every day, while I have the luxury to think this is temporary and self inflicted by 54.3 mountain miles  at 10,000 foot in pristine wilderness!

I leave on July 17 for Ladakh and Tibet.



>>> "Lavrich, Carol" <LavrichC@usa.redcross.org> 06/13/01 05:09PM >>>

To the Stride Clinic crew:  Linda Wack, our MCRRC webmistress, along with Bob Fabia and I have been hard at work at beginning the thought process of setting up the STRIDE CLINIC HOMEPAGE‑‑‑ON the Official MCRRC website (see the link to Linda's first draft below) !!!!  So, when your friends ask about the clinic, you can point them to the site and they can read all about it! Plus, we can "publish" as many articles there as we want, we don't have to wait for space to become available in the Rundown, and Bob Fabia has been procuring many good photos as well of the clinic, so when we are done, it should be a good start on the STRIDE CLINIC book that we will eventually publish and sell millions of copies and all become running zillionaires as clubs across the United States try to implement what we are doing.   So what is next?  We have to "manage" our content.   First, I want each of you to take a look at the first draft and think about what you'd like to see on our site.   When Linda has her second draft together, you will be given the opportunity to give as much voluminous critical input as you can muster, since she is busy incorporating Bob's and my input now, which should cover some of the major issues.
In preparation for the "second" draft, I want each of us to forward our "resumes" to Linda of a couple of paragraphs.  Include what you do professionally in one of them, and in the second of them talk about your personal running experiences, whether you coach running, etc.   For the professionals, Adam, Sharon, and Rachel and her staff, please include professional credentials.   Eric, since you manage NRH, feel free to include your resume. Rachel, you can have NRH people who are subbing for you or attending with you submit their resumes since we have had a few of them.
Running coaches can feel free to include any coaching credentials that they have.  Please send this to Linda at lwack@erols.com on or before June 29,2001.   Yes, Vasili, you are going to have to learn to type, or beg Gretchen to do your typing for you‑‑‑otherwise people will never know how many Hundred Milers you have actually run......Gretchen, please make sure that Vasili sees this message (Vasili claims to be Internet incompatible).
Now, the next question:  when will that mystery globe trotting surgeon/runner/Humanitarian of the Year, Dr. Glenn Geelhoed, stay in one place for long enough to actually come to a Stride Clinic and start putting in some time???  (I have to give him a hard time once and awhile to let him know that I haven't forgotten about him).   I am also hoping that Jan Tripp will eventually come and help us out, since she is a running shoe guru........we will then be complete......
Carol Lavrich

‑‑‑‑‑Original Message‑‑‑‑‑

From: Linda Wack [mailto:lwack@erols.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 11:32 PM
To: Lavrich, Carol
Cc: 'Bob Fabia/Kathy Aram'; c‑Vincent.Guerrieri@wcom.Com'"<c‑Vincent.Guerrieri@wcom.Com>,
Subject: RE: Stride Clinic May 12 Session Photos

Carol, Bob and Vince,

Rather than attempt to describe what the Stride Clinic home page could look like if we wrap it into the rest of the newly redesigned club website, I thought I'd show you before we meet this weekend. All of the new pages will appear in this design, with the side menu and the top images.  The white content block will vary from page to page.  Since I don't really know what kind of content you want for the site, I just pulled together a couple of rough pages, the schedule and the sessions page.  I tweaked the photos a bit to size them and make them load faster, but they are otherwise unedited (nice photos, by the way!).  They aren't particularly artfully laid out here, but you get the general idea. If you want to have the stride clinic site fit in design‑wise with the rest of the MCRRC site, this is a starting point.  If you want to do it another way, that's fine too. http://www.mcrrc.org/redesign/stride/sched01.html

At 02:50 PM 05/18/2001 ‑0400, you wrote:

>>From: "Lavrich, Carol" <LavrichC@usa.redcross.org>
>>To: "'c‑Vincent.Guerrieri@wcom.Com'" <c‑Vincent.Guerrieri@wcom.Com>,"Lavrich, Carol" <LavrichC@usa.redcross.org>, 'Linda Wack'         <lindaw@phe.com>, 'Bob Fabia/Kathy Aram' <bkl@intr.net>
>>Subject: RE: Stride Clinic May 12 Session Photos
>>Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 14:46:57 ‑0400
>>Vince‑‑‑Yes, I love the idea.   Bob Fabia has done us a great service with setting up some draft material that we can work with to set up a stride clinic home page.   Bob has great energy!  Thanks Bob.
>>I have been trying to set up a time with Linda Wack,Bob Fabia, and I would like you to attend to as a board member and stride clinic coach (sorry Linda have just been busy as well), because I would like to work with Linda to take some of what Bob has put together and set up a really good homepage for the stride clinic on the MCRRC web site.  I want it on the MCRRC computers too, since a lot of these sites out on the internet are there one day, gone the next, and I want Linda to work with us since she has access to designers, etc. who can help with making this a very professional looking site.   The Stride Clinic is one of the highlights of MCRRC membership,and I want a well‑done site that will reflect what we do, and I think that if we can have Linda work with us, it will be just so.I am wondering if the four of us can get together at the Volunteer Picnic on June 3rd and have a meeting to learn from Linda what could be done to facilitate this project.    Would the three of you be available at the Picnic to have such a meeting (in the interest of multitasking with all of us with such busy schedules)?   Hopefully we will have some sun and good food there as well.  If so, we can agree to pick a time (say 3pm‑4pm) to have the meeting on June 3rd.   What do you think?
Carol L.

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