Letters to Ravi about the Ladakh additions of Kevin Bergman,
GWU student whom I had met at the Holy Cross Grand Rounds and
now included in Ladakh expedition, as well as hope for Roger Herr
to be joining with us, already double the “dozen limit” with 24 student participants

From:        Glenn Geelhoed
To:          "ravi@himalayanhealth.com".IA4GW.Harper
Date:        6/20/01 6:08PM
Subject:     Re: Kevin Bergman

I am trying to call now.

Great on Kevin, and I have signed two more into Spiti that you will see from the previous messages.I will be skipping the attempt to return from Delhi to Moscow, and will come back to DC as originally scheduled and will postpone Russia until August 19.

Now, for the Big News:  Roger Herr of the NGS who is the freelance photojournalist has got from my publisher several of the books Out of Assa and is asking if he could join the Ladakh trip if he can put the proposal in to the NGS in time!  In the alternative, he is asking if someone can run a video which might be used as a supporting bit for his proposal to accompany us on a later trip.

If he comes along, I have no idea who might float this excursion if he does not get the support in time, but he should try to extend with us to the Lingshed helicoptering expedition as well.  I gave him your phone number and he lives close enough to you to visit.  I have reams of photo albums and text, of course, on each of the excursions, and would love to see him included on the way.  You might also sweeten this for his proposal's sake, mentioning the potential award from the Himachal government next year, or possibly a Dalai Lama commendation, or whatever would catch the attention of the NGS reviewers beyond the Raghu Rai portrait he already has from the George Award.

I will call you soon.



>>> Ravi I Singh <ravi@himalayanhealth.com> 06/20/01 03:03PM >>>

Dear Dr. Glenn,

I just signed Kevin for Ladakh. The group has gotten real big and I am getting some local doctors to help out. Please let me know or call Krisbi with your final plans if you are trying to make the Moscow trip on your way back from Frankfurt. It is a busy time and we lost your Frankfurt ‑ Washington reservations, I am trying to reconfirm it.


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