To:                     George Poehlman;  internet:ccpahealth@malawi.net;  Internet:fdimmock@malawi.net;  laurzdiehl@yahoo.com;  mcgill@africa- online.net;  ydeguia@ovex.com

Date:                 4/24/03 2:00PM

Subject:             Harolyn Johnson backs out


I have just communicated by email with Yael, who had already been called by Harolyn, as I am on my way to the airport to pick up the delayed arrival (storm canceled flights) of Virginia.  I have just heard that Harolyn has called Yael and is trying to cancel the tickets I bought.


I have now retrieved the double boxes of meds from the Dean's Office, which I may be able to strap together as one, but with what I already have packed, there will probably be some serious excess baggage charges, unless I jettison all the nonperishables and re- sterilizables (such as a lot of the sutures.)


  This makes a more compelling case for a future container to be shepherded through customs.  I had hoped that the careful arrangements made in this coordinated visit would "institutionalize" the program for longer sustainability.


My laptop failed, and it will have to be substituted for since the parts are on back order under the new one's warranty.  I had given one old one to John Sutter to see if it could be put into good repair for use on the Malawi field according to an earlier request from Betty Poehlman.  I have my  IBM Think Pad, which has not been used since I had it last in Africa in 1996, and it may be the only method I could have for communicating and recording this set of experiences.  The laptops are vulnerable since they are obsolete and no longer supported for parts within a year of the time they are "state of the art."


Virginia has bought sheet music for me to Xerox copy for the bell ringers of the Deaf Choir, and she is looking forward to working with them.  I had given to Amy a stock of my stuffed toy animals for kids, and have gathered a few more, but they would now be lower in priority for transport since I have already sent forward a full bag of them with Amy.


So, the net sum of bodies on the ambulance has not changed: there would appear to be one fewer of us on the plane arriving for transport back to Embangweni, but there will be one more of us for pick up after Kevin's return.  I had thought this might make room for a few more of the supplies, but it will probably be a neutral draw with these changes.


This repeat last minute change will not recur again.



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