




WEIGHING 8# 10 oz, 21 ¼ in, HEALTHY


June 7, 2004


            The title tells it all, with Donald’s call to me coming in at about eight tonight.  He was at the hospital with young Mathew diligently setting about the business of eating already.  He will be in the required forty-eight hours and then will have Donald getting three weeks paternity leave.  I had asked if it would be possible for me to come down there and possibly come back with at least Andrew William or maybe they all could tandem ride behind me in the van with the two younger ones so that they can get up to see the new Derwood and see what has changed in Washington since Donald’s long isolation.  He would like that but is in no position to make a commitment to do any kind of traveling.


            Andrew William is in summer “camp” at the hot Springs Baptist Church, the same one that runs the Day Care in which Kacie Elizabeth is enrolled, but that is only for two weeks and he is already started.  So, it would be possible for him to see and perhaps visit his other grandfather for a time this summer. 


            They had no idea which gender would be emerging, since she had had no tests, and they had both a boy’s name picked (they just liked Matthew, and said it was Biblical!)  If it had been a girl, it would be Jaynie Anne—and it was Andrew who had picked that name!


            I will see if I can get to visit at some time soon, but it would be superb if they could come to Derwood, where Donald has not been since marriage, and she and now all the kids have never been.  So, they are long overdue, and could even come by when Michael, Judy and the twins are here.


            But, good news may travel fast, although it still needs some help, and since Donald had only called Michael, I will alert the troops along the expectant waiting sidelines that the fourth Grandson among Five Grandchildren has arrived to carry forward the Geelhoed name in the new edition of the genealogy of the Geelhoeds, that had been advertised just today.  I had written to the authors and told them to hold on for a few more days to include the new one—and right on cue, an hour later Matthew David Geelhoed has made the scene! 

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