



There is a very well instituted and  certified "VCT" program everywhere in adjacent Africa, such as Malawi--a certified program for "Voluntary Counseling and Testing."  It is also funded by the Global Fund and I am sure is available at least in Kigali.  They make their own kits inside the country for the reagent and the RIA.  Perhaps Pastor jupa can be sure that we have such a "VCT certified" nurse or health worker with us when we go from one place to the other, and if there is none now at the Gisenyi Clinic, this gives time for the sixteen hour course to be attended and certification awarded to several such candidates to be working with us.




>>> <katkell400@aol.com> 11/16/2005 1:15 PM >>>

Do you know of a source for HIV testing? I understand there is resistance to being tested due to problems being employed, etc. But being able to screen new mothers would be great.   Kathy


-----Original Message-----

From: Glenn Geelhoed <msdgwg@gwumc.edu>

To: Katkell400@aol.com

Sent: Wed, 16 Nov 2005 10:53:40 -0500

Subject: Re: supplies



Some of the bulkier items I have are C-section kits. I also have

neonatal resuscitation kits. These are NOT part of the MAP supplies

which are largely antibiotics, analgesics, H2-blockers, gauze,

Band-Aids, ORT salts and the kinds of pediatric prescription meds.  I

hope that they have a stock of WHO drugs like anti-antimalarials from

the Global Fund sources and we can also set up a connection to be sure

that continues into the future.




>>> <Katkell400@aol.com> 11/15/2005 8:43 PM >>>

Hi there,

I was remembering today that the last time I was at the clinic in


they were very anxious for more OB supplies. They are always hoping for


surgical equipment, forceps, etc. Will that be part of what MAP

supplies? The 

clinic also had a nurse who had been trained to use a sonogram to aid

deliveries  - and he asked if we could get them a portable sonogram

machine. Never

hurts to  ask! Slides, cover slips, immersion oil, bulbs for the


batteries (C  and D) - these they always need too. And the new clinic

in Kigali

will need a  microscope for their malaria smears, etc. Let me know if I


put in an  application at CrossLink for some of this also.    Kathy

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