





Haven't I got enough activity going on just now, that I do not need to open newer initiatives?  In a word--No!


I had received the kind of overture I like to address from a GWU student who wrote me when I was still in Mindanao.  He came to the student led program reporting on our Philippine mission and left before he could talk to me afterwards, but he has a good idea and one that I will support, linking up with some on-the-ground contacts with NGO's and grant-writing PCV's in Armenia.


I have written a response that I have already forwarded to you, and will try to have him come over to my home today during our "Packing Party" for all the locals who are meeting with me in Dulles on Saturday for Rwanda orientation.


I will let you know more and link you up when I have discussed it further!





>>> Yavar Moghimi <ymoghimi@gwu.edu> 2/28/2006 4:10 PM >>>


Hi Dr. Geelhoed,

  I meant to talk to you yesterday after the Phillipines talk, but I had

to run back to the hospital.  I was the student you e-mailed from the

Phillipines that knew Leslie.  I'm actually trying to plan a medical

trip to Hrazdan, Armenia next year in the spring.  I have a friend out

there in the Peace Corps helping NGOs do grantwriting and she is very

connected to doctors and medical facilities out there.  I wanted to ask

you if you were interested in working with me to organize a trip out

there and what that would actually involve, not having planned a trip

myself before.  Do keep me updated on any future trips you are involved

in as well.


Yavar Moghimi



Sure Yavar:


I thought that I might have recognized you!  No worries about getting back to the hospital, as I used to live there myself!


I would be very interested in going over with you such details as may be possible to get us out to Armenia.  I have been to it but not yet worked there and I am always eager to follow such leads!


Let me know more about your PCV grant-writing colleague and when the time frame that might fit your elective schedule and we will try to get together over such plans.


As you know from the agenda outlined, I will be gone for a few weeks in Rwanda, and will be dealing with my own set of exams (doctoral Comps, yet again!) in the first of April.


 Perhaps I could also speak with PFP to help in organizing this initiative, and we will see if we might be able to develop it together.


I attach a single note referring to some of the pre-Rwanda departure details of the kind that will be necessary to put in place for an Armenian excursion as an item of information.  Let's start planning!