






Hope this finds you well. Any word on when the group will be presenting at GWU? Would love to be able to come down and reconnect. Remind me to chat with you about our last day in Rwanda (without your guidance) - last patient was an ectopic pregnancy, Leah accurately diagnosed, we gave 2 liters of IVF and bribed a nurse at a nearby clinic to ambulance her into the hospital, Sunanga very helpful despite the fact he didn't agree with us continuing to treat the neighborhood. What a day.




          -----Original Message-----

          From: Glenn Geelhoed [mailto:msdgwg@gwumc.edu]

          Sent: Tue 3/28/2006 9:21 AM

          To: julie_ghrist@yahoo.com


          Subject: allAfrica.com Uganda Uganda Pleads With Rwanda On Gorillas




            Here is a note regarding other residents of the Virunga who are on the

          move oblivious of visas at border crossings--preparation for our next

          trips to Rwanda!


          I have attached the text of a couple of summary reports along with a

          NYT editorial on African aid.


          A big bunch of photos will shortly be posted for On-Line Access!






Dr. Geelhoed-


Just to give you a heads up, I am in the process of attemping to round

up the troops in order to solidify a time and date for the

presentation.  Currently, we are thinking any day the week of April 10-

14, however I am yet to hear back from Leah and Julie.  Hopefully I

will have a definitive answer by the end of the day today.


Your pictures were fantastic!  We are planning on pulling the

presentation together next week.  I know that you are busy with your

comp studying, but as always, we would love your input!






From:      <Michael.A.Tadle@aphis.usda.gov>

To:        "Glenn Geelhoed" <msdgwg@gwumc.edu>

Date:      3/24/2006 6:22:10 PM

Subject:   Wow!!!! (possibly spam: 7.6222)


Hey Team!!!


Man‑o‑man, almost a week back and hardly any break.  As expected, things

at my real job are really jumping courtesy of the Asian bird flu.  If it

is this manic minus avian influenza H5N1 on our shores, I don't want to

know what happens if or when it arrives in the good ol' US of A.  One

thing that has really helped prevent me from going "Office Space" on my

USDA colleges is the beautiful pictures everyone has circulated.  Wow is

an understatement . . . you are all great photographers.  I've even seen

one or two pics of my mug that are halfway decent.  To offer the ultimate

flattery, I have claimed many of the shots as my own.  One coworker was so

impressed that he offered me a job to photograph his infant son's Brit

Milah.  Upon hearing a knife and a Mohel where involved, I declined.


Anyway, I just wanted to thank all of you for the great memories.  You

know, if it wasn't for the photo evidence, I would almost not believe the

Rwanda mission really ever happened.  I find it almost too difficult to

explain to my friends and coworker what the entire experience was like, it

was just that awesome and life altering an adventure.  Instead, I just

annoy my coworkers by repeatedly demanding "give me pen" without any

context for them to understand.  There is just something so satisfying

about turning the tables.


I mentioned to Julie earlier today that I also find myself sentimentally

honking the car horn a lot more during my commute.  In Rwanda, if someone

gave you a thumbs up, you weren't really sure if it was an affirmation or

insult.  Back in the States, it is pretty obvious what's behind the finger

gestures my horn honking provokes.  It's so worth the laugh though.


Well, I hope everyone is well.  Dr. G, you have a post‑mission survey and

a little something else in the mail . . . don't spend it all in one place

. . . and thanks.


I'll see y'all when I see ya.  Until then, all my best.





Michael Tadle

Communications Specialist

Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service




CC:        <Agf04@gwu.edu>, <belovedbellhaynes7@msn.com>, <croskery@storm.simpson.edu>, <dds@radix.net>, <jwhitis@gwu.edu>, <jwhitis@gmail.com>, <katkell400@aol.com>, <lberk@gwu.edu>, <metnick@alumni.gwu.edu>, <nikitank@gwu.edu>, <nsekhon@gwu.edu>, <Stephen.Katz@pilotonline.com>, <Susan.fellows3@comcast.net>, <Tim.Harrison@bostonmedflight.org>

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