




And Thank You Larry for a wonderful event!


I have put together the email addresses for my nominees of this year's awards in the   "CC" above, and my nominee for the next year's, whom I had introduced to you last year, Edna Adan of Hargeisa Somaliland.  She might be the first Islamic representative, and as such will make a large contingent very happy to be represented.


I think it is a wonderful idea to do a portrait gallery of the recipients of the MMHOF awards at work, and will make myself available for your photographer whom you can give my email address to for this purpose.  I am sorting through a deluge of wonderful pictures from Rwanda just now, and will include herewith a couple of samples of the arrival and celebration with you at Toledo in the opening dinner of the MMHOF.  Perhpas, if I can make a large CD filled with such recent experiences in the past month from Mindanao Philippines and Rwanda--to name just two--she might pick from some of them as well, or simply scan the on-line PhotoWorks Albums (access attached ) of the past recent missions for further ideas?





I especially enjoyed meeting with the students, and had suggested to a number of them to join me at breakfast over at Bob Evans as I checked out enroute to the airport with Jean and Dominique Pape--100% of the students I had found after the ceremonies on Saturday night  to offer this invitation for Sunday morning accepted, and we had still further good discussions, which is the source of the Benvenuto Cellini article I had forwarded to make available to them in trying to understand the natural history of a disease and how it is interrelated to the people and culture in which it may be found.  I look forward to talking further with the students who have requested a chance to follow me anywhere in the world where they might be able to learn and be useful--a good start!


I look forward to the next one, and am very appreciative of the superb--and growing--celebration of the event!






>>> <CLVC8@aol.com> 3/22/2006 2:50 PM >>>

Dear Glenn:My strongest and enthusiastic commendations for the  good you and

your associates did on behalf of our brothers and sisters  throughout  the

world! Your contribution was,  is, and will be  magnificent. For everyone that I

was privileged to talk to, I would like to  say to you and your associates

Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking time  from your extremely busy

schedules and humanitarian efforts all over the world  to be recognized by your

compatriots for the significant work that you  are doing and the wonderful

contributions that your are making.   Please Glenn communicate my thoughts to your

asociates.  You guys were  great but Jill was the greatest! I would like to

e-mail each of the

recipients so Glenn would you be so kind as to send  me their e-mail 

addresses? I would like also to get from you and your associates nominees for  next

year's Recognition Program. I realize that this year's nominees were  superb

and extremely difficult to match but let's give it a try.  It was  good to see

Gin there with you.  She's a great gal!.  I have a warm  spot in my heart for

her and all the good Croskerys. Bob and Beverly wanted to  be with us but as

you know he had conflicts in Cincinnati. I have a  Professional photographer (a

young lady) who want to do some  on-site visits with you and your associates

in conjunction with a pictorial

presentation of an Anniversary Edition of the Medical Mission Hall of Fame. 

In addition to having portraits of the Hall of Fame recipients she would like

to  include biographies of the recipients together with some on-site 

work-in-action photographs. Please let me know how we can implement our ideas.  Also,

if it possible, can you let me know your work  approximate schedule so I can

arrange to have a photo-op with him to that  he can receive a Hall of Fame

trophy? It's good to talk with you and keep up the  good work. I will send out

Expense Reimbursement Forms as soon as I hear from  you.    


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