From:        Glenn Geelhoed

To:          Shirley A Snoeyink

Date:        10/21/03 6:43AM

Subject:     Re: Info from Shirl


Sorry to hear the news and that you had trouble relaying it to me.


Congratulations to Kent‑‑and tell him I will be thinking of him on this weekend as I am running my 20th Marine Corps marathon and in two weeks at my fourth Marathon in the parks in Montgomery County.


I had forwarded the complete Sikkim report to Milly so it should be reaching you soon.  Did you get print outs with the last batch of tapes of the Alaska trip and other items I had sent.


I am 11 ½ hours out of phase here in time zones, so I am responding now to you form my office at 4:30 AM‑‑and will go by the house in Derwood, where the Great Room addition is nearly completely closed in, all wrapped with Tyvek, and looking very good.  The Breakfast room hexagon is delayed because that is where the big tree fell, but it is starting up with footings and foundations now that the heavy timber is cleared.  yesterday, a crew of two dozen Guatemalans swarmed through the woods clearing the Hurricane Isabel dropped timber.  They fed it all into the "Intimidator", a huge chipper, that can swallow 26 inch diameter logs!  I took pictures of this fast and noisy process, that hauled away six truck loads of mulch to be fed into steam generators and three trailer loads of timber‑‑they make me actually pay to have it made into lumber!  The Sky Crane removal of the two big trees dropped by the Hurricane Isabel storm was done the day before I left, at an uninsured cost of $18,000‑‑so I have no idea what this will reach in totals for cleanup‑‑on top of the housing renovation.


However, it is going faster now, but for the fact that the chief production manager, also named Glenn, had a cough, and as an ex‑smoker a chest X‑Ray showed a nodule they have CT and PET scanned, and he will have a Thoracotomy on November 3 for this presumptive lung cancer on November 3.


The very detailed time table means that I should be able to make the "walk through" of the completed project upon return form the projected trip to Michigan just after Christmas, if all else works out well‑‑and there are many factors militating against this.


  But the massive renovation project in which the house remains a gutted shell right now, does not allow me to do any more than poke my head around the outside.  I have been taking picture of both the tree operations and also the renovations so you may see those in Michigan.  But there is no plumbing as yet, although the appliances for four new bathrooms are hoisted in awaiting the installation, and the electrical contractors are coming to swarm through the house over the next few days when heat pumps are also going in.


 Altogether it is an imposing performance to see the coordinated orchestration of the eleven teams of contractors come together to produce something resembling the architectural plans.  Now, what happens next and when move n or not has some new uncertainties still pending.


This email address should get any mailings to me, and I have also been sending you letters from Sikkim in India.  As to where I have been camping during this renovation period when the house is gutted, you should be able to see that from the postmarks of the cards and letters as they arrive.  I always send two sisters and two sons the detailed narrative of events, assuming you get them form Milly, since I now you do not want the files to come to your email address.


I hope you got to see some of the Sikkim reports I sent to Milly.  Martheen is asking for the next set of tapes, and Milly also will have the most recent on‑line photos from Photo Works late this week‑‑‑about the same time I will be running the extra‑long 26.2 miles!






>>> Shirley A Snoeyink <shirlalice@juno.com> 10/20/03 08:30PM >>>

I have tried to e‑mail you several times but it did not go through. I am

trying again.

Did you run in the Chicago Marathon? Kent did.‑his first and maybe last.

Arnies' mom died Oct l5 at age 97. She was healthy up to the last two

days‑ just getting weaker with congestive heart failure. It was a

celebrative service on Saturday. Today we went to the funeral of a cousin

of Arnie's who has been in Cleveland hospital since Jan. , never

recovering from a lung transplant.

If you e‑mail me please know I cannot receive long messages because I do

not have a printer.  Thanks, Shirl PS Jack flew in on Sat for the funeral

from DC where he is today at a National Science Foundation Review.  Are

you able to live in your house yet?



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CC:          Martheen Griffioen;  Milly L. Holtvluwer


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