






Dear Andrea:


Thanks again for getting my detail-derailed process back on track for the Comps, both written and oral for April.  I will have our entire Comps Prep team bunked out in my home for the week preceding our April exams for a full-time group period of study and review.  We had gone to one of the local Ashburn hotels (Candlewood Suites, where we had spent the February night of the blizzard during the last ELDP weekend) and discovered that a full week reservation was still at the rate of $180 per night for those coming from out of town, as the others all would be.  I can certainly spare them that expense, even if we all bus over to Ashburn in one vehicle if the library resources might be needed for a day of that week.  Otherwise we have huge mounds of already printed-out reference material which has killed quite a few trees in being copied for each of us, already too much primary and secondary reference material to be read, let alone further research being done, for each of the questions at the Comps level!


I had gone through the sequence you had outlined as well as the visits suggested regarding pre-proposal advice.  I had addressed the present and future assignments for your HRD 321 course, the Phenomenology course taught by Jae Hoon Lim and have kept in touch with my Comp Team for the further Prep program in the Comps Teams and Subject Matter Experts’ contributions.  I am current or ahead in each course with my impending absence in Rwanda overlapping the March session.


For HRD 321 I found that you are right in the confusion in the dissertation review which you noted on the email you had sent me was to be submitted to Jae Hoon for Phenomenology rather than HRD 321.  I had sent it to you under the title of dissertation  review, which sounded more like HRD 321 than phenomenology and had sent to her the listing of the ten dissertations I had pulled—probably the source of the confusion that may have led her to believe I was absent from her class!  I have enclosed each of the four stages of the dissertation reviews for HRD 321:

1)      List of dissertations 1/13

2)      First dissertation analysis 2/1

3)      Second dissertation analysis 3/1

4)      Third dissertation analysis 4/1


I will produce the Fourth Dissertation analysis ahead of the April 28th deadline, as I had each of the others, including those that were mis-directed.  I have been current in the readings and deliverables for each of the courses this semester, and have sent ahead those for the programmed absence in March based on the only time the eighteen students can accompany me abroad during their spring break time.  I had postponed my departure in January for the Mindanao Philippine trip for three days to be able to attend the ELDP weekend, shortening the trip the students will present in their final summary on Monday 2/27.  (06-FEB-B-10) It is for that reason that I was startled by Jae Hoon’s false assumption that I had missed any classes to date in a note she had sent me after my meeting with her (attached)


I had called Sharon Confessore in Rockville at her current post, and left messages, but have not as yet arranged the proposed meeting.  I did meet with Jae Hoon, on a date set during our conversations during the February ELDP weekend which later she assumed I had missed because it was sparsely attended by most others because of the single blizzard of the year.  I had a good meeting with her, however she was quite rigid about the choice between phenomenologic methodologies, and had said that I should chose one, and not mix methods.  I had again reminded her that I would be absent as planned and as written to her at least four times beginning last semester when she acknowledged in December that I had the second of my two field trips in Rwanda in March for the Phenomenologic Research Proposal data gathering for the presentation in May.  Therefore I was very surprised and disappointed when she sent me a note that alleges that since I would be missing “half of her classes”  [a single class, in fact] I should withdraw from the program and take the Phenomenology class at some future date when I could devote more time to the program.  This, of course, I cannot do, since this is the time when I am devoting maximum time to the program.  Without the data to be obtained during the time that is the only vacation period allowed to the students accompanying me I would not have a Phenomenologic Research Proposal result to presnt in her May class.  These data would be collected in the only interval when the students can be scheduled to participate with me in the pilot program of which the majority have already filled in their pre-trip questionnaires, and the pre-trip interviews are scheduled for this week Wednesday preceding this Saturday’s takeoff for Rwanda.


As you had suggested, I met with Huda Ayas, and have been a regular reader of her proposal and dissertation at each stage and iteration of it.  I was to have led the Haiti mission on which she would have gathered her data before the State Dept pulled the plug, causing her to revise her thesis, now on cultural diversity sensitivity, setting her back three months.  She had accompanied me on her first medical mission to DR/Haiti in the summer of 2004, and had participated in the first pilot study of student reactions to an international medical mission.  She had advised me to seek an already validated instrument and apply it in a semi-quantitative study of the participants before- and after-trip collection of data as I guide each of the novice health care students through their first patient encounters in this exotic setting, and record their reflections and reactions in the nature of the learning they experience.


 From my own experience, and from witnessing the same response over two hundred times, I have been calling this a transformational learning experience, but I will not beg that question but attempt to establish the nature of this experience with a fresh group in the proposal, unless retrospective data would be supportive.  Following Proposal defense and IRB approval, I could launch the refined protocol for the research in new medical missions abroad.  The data I am collecting now is for refining the approach and for evaluating both the mission and the students who may receive a grade, even though I have informed each of the participants in the pilots that I am also studying the nature of the international medical mission experience in order to refine a proposal for a dissertation in transformational learning. (06-FEB-B-8)


Last year I had met with and later corresponded with my advisor, Prof Michael Marquardt, and had attempted to meet with him as both of us were heading off to the Far East.  I had written to him as he returned subsequent to the meeting that you and I had on the appointment two weeks ago.  His response and my reply are attached (06-FEB-B-12.)  He had recommended several suggestions.


First, I should stay with the schedule of April Comps, Summer 06 Proposal defense, subsequent data gathering and chapters 4, 5 writing with his critique for a defense of the thesis on target for March 07.  I concur.


 Second, he advised a phenomenologic qualitative study for a “richer” interpretation, over the semi-quantitative approach alone.   I had made an appointment with and this Saturday spent time with Lisa Allen, the ELP Liaison in the Ashburn Campus library, searching for an already-validated instrument for quantitative analysis to be employed pre and post experience, taken from the Mental Measurement Yearbook.


 Third, he advised that I get the thesis he had directed (with distinction) of the 04  ELDP defense by Millie Mateu, who had used each of the component parts that I had listed for my interest—Mezirow, Phenomenology, and the trans-cultural disorienting dilemma of the international context.


I have printed out her thesis, and after having read it, I had discarded my earlier choices from the listed ten dissertation abstracts and have used her thesis as the substrate for the analysis for HRD 321 “Dissertation Analysis” sequence.   On Michael’s advice, I am trying to reach her for advice, or for consent to be the third member of the committee.  The second member of the committee had already been invited after Michael had agreed to chair it, as I had written an email last year to Skip Williams for his participation, given his interest in both the international medical education aspects and his familiarity with the ELDP program as a full time GWU faculty graduate of one of the earliest Cohorts, as you are certainly aware.


This is a report of the current status of the process, which I hope to keep on track, given the changes and disruptions that are always possible as in the political events that had derailed Huda’s earlier proposal plans when Haiti became, in the opinion of the US State Dept, too unstable. 


I hope to avoid any such glitches but am aware of the lurking possibilities that they can interdict the plans now in progress; but this is where I am in that process, and thank you for your help through it.