1. JUL-A-1  Index to the Jul-A-1 series
  2. Summer time and the living is rather hot; but some like it hot;  Inventory of the Hunt, and a complete catalog of Toys and Tools for the Outdoor Pursuits.
  3.   The small “select” group for the Nepal mission compared with the doubled numbers for the Ladakh mission and the exchange of letters with one of the participants eager to learn if he were an appropriate participant.
  4. A patriotic Fourth of July celebration begins pre-dawn and goes long, returning in the overcast and thunderclouds that are better for running than for fireworks.
  5. And now for the really big news we have all been waiting for: the twins arrive! Devin Michael and Jordan Lee Geelhoed
  6. The first picture of the new arrivals at fifteen minutes old: Devin Michael Geelhoed and Jordan Lee Geelhoed
  7. Attempts to merge at least six different venues, itineraries and travel objectives into a single fall trip
  8. Well-wishers from around the world welcome the new twin grandsons,  whom I send their first photo (from their first fifteen minutes) to scores of friends, on their third day of life when I first read about them
  9. An exchange over iodine deficency and goiter with a comparative biologist
  10. A pretty mid-summer's weekend on the run and "at Derwood with an undeclared negotiation attempt, again, at church.
  11. My collective rebates on the DC marathon.
  12. Further exchange on pre-historic major caloric soources and the thyroid function that would fit in any pattern to explain neadertal's extinction.
  13. My response to a serires of negative comments about first-time marathoners cluttering up the trails, interfering with us "real runner" elites.
  14. One mis-directed response to my MCRUn letter to the list.
  15. Another note of premature canonization: What happens if and when they discover that I am not mother Theresa?
  16. Joe's response to the discussion on the MCRUN list.


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